With changing climatic conditions comes a greater urgency for more efficient utilisation of nutrients, improvement of soil biology, increases in microbial populations all relevant to Humus in the soil.

Crop Nutrition Program for Sustainable and/or Regenerative Crop Production

VICMILL is an advocate of sustainable and/or regenerative agriculture.  In developing a crop nutrition program for sustainable and/or regenerative production, it is relevant to consider the following:

1. Conservation and recycling of nutrients must be enhanced.  This can be done by applying sufficient organic materials and minerals returned to the soil to increase the humus content and nutrients.

2. The majority of nutrients are taken up by the crop via humus soil colloids supported by a sustainable soil microbial food web.

3. The biological activity, fertility, and organic matter content of the soil must be enhanced.

The aforesaid considerations require that a sustaianble and/or regenerative system can be achieved by managing the agroecosystem to optimise production through efficient use of resources vis-a-vis conservation and enhancement of soil bilogical fertility.

In a stable natural ecosystem, the soil can supply nutrients for crop production even without nutrient application for many years.  However, when the same ecosystem is disturbed for agricultural production, everytime a crop is harvested, nutrients are lost or taken out of the agroecosystem.  When this happens, the lost nutrients should be replaced to sustain crop productivity.  Under this condition, management strategies to sustain and/or regenerate the stability and productivity of the agroecosystem should, therefore, be developed and adopted.

What is Humus?

When we put any kind of organic matter into soil such as stable manure, straw, corn stalks, corn cobs, green manuring crops, leaves, weeds etc., a vast army of many species of micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, worms, etc.) becomes activated and mobilized to convert such inert organic matter substances to an end product called HUMUS. What is Humus? It is a mysterious and still not fully understood negatively charged colloidal complex material remaining in soil as the end product of various biochemical processes. Actually it is the final residual component of organic matter derived from plant materials that has undergone decomposition to the extent that it has lost its identity with its origins. Basic Requirements: To convert organic matter to humus it is essential that several basic conditions prevail in the soil as follows: 1. There must be oxygen for oxidizing various groups of complicated organic matter complexes. 2. At least 2% nitrogen in the form of ammonia or nitrate nitrogen must be available to supply the nucleoproteids for the living cells of the microflora that convert the organic matter into humus. It is of interest to note that humus contains the same amount of nitrogen that we find in the protein molecule, not less than 5.25 to 6.25% nitrogen. Without nitrogen humus cannot be made. A satisfactory level of humus is, therefore, a very important constituent of a good, living and productive soil.

Benefits derived from humus

1. Humus is the main source of fuel and energy for the soil microbial system. Each tonne of manure carries 225kg or more of organic matter – and 70kg or more of net humus. One tonne of compost can support up to 270kg of microorganisms per acre. This can be multiplied by the number of separate life cycles in each season.

2. Humus carries 50% carbon which is used by micro-organisms through fermentation and respiration to convert part of the carbon into higher energy values. Other carbon may also be spent in the oxidation of mineral compounds into simpler and more available forms.

3. Humus as a concentrate of carbon and energy compounds enables bacteria to: a) Survive cold or dry soil conditions or excess water; b) Carry out antibiotic effects in the soil; c) Interrelate with plant roots, important to a cold, wet or delayed seedbed.

4. Humus absorbs the highly active non-nutrient hydrogen to make it acidic, basic to the release and conversion of complex soil minerals as well as varied nitrogen sources.

5. The humus colloid carries three times more absorptive capacity to hold minerals cations, water, air and carbon compounds.

6. The density of humus lies between 0.8 and 0.9 whereas the inorganic clay colloid has a density of 2.65.

7. The humus colloid also buffers microbial and plant systems against excesses of sodium, magnesium, potash and other positively charged minerals.

8. Humus acts to buffer and enhance the four anions: carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur in their system of nutritional service to crops. When joined with organic matter and humus they become dynamic nutrients for both soil microbes and plants.

Why are Humates so important to the soil?

Humates, being very dense and sticky, tend to have a sequestering and chelating effect thus preventing the nutrients from leaching through the soil profile too quickly, hence improving soil fertility. Humic acids also stimulate biological activity in the soil due to their carbon make-up, thus improving the structure of the soil. 

When Vicmill Humate fertilisers and Soil Conditioners are applied to the soil, nutrients become suspended in the soil solution. This suspension allows the nutrients to attach themselves to the colloidal clays and humus enabling the plant to take up the necessary mineral nutrients via its roots. 

During periods of dry weather humates help stabilise soil temperatures and slow the rate of evaporation due to their insulating properties that help maintain a more uniform soil temperature. This is significant during severe climate changes such as heat waves, because when temperature fluctuations in the soil are reduced, moisture is less likely to be released into the atmosphere.

Humates function like sponges.  It is this sponge-like characteristic that allows humates the capacity to absorb great volume of water, even greater than typical heavy clay soils.  Available water is without a doubt the most important component of healthy soil and the most critical substance derived by plants from the soil.

Humates decompose and absorb residual salts and heavy metal compounds derived from commonly applied pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilisers by binding them to active compounds such as lignin (a complex polymer either positively or negatively charged that suspends these harmful contaminates to the soil molecule) permitting micro-organisms to digest and alter the physical properties of these residual compounds which can then be absorbed by the plant. Plant susceptibility to disease occurs when the leaching of residual salts, heavy metals and organo chlorides surpasses the soils microbe populations' ability to break down these harmful residues into plant utilisable forms of nutrients creating an environment conducive to soil borne pathogens that infect the plant roots.


Soil Contamination: Why Humates are beneficial

Scientifically any chemical compound that releases electrically charged particles called (ions) when it dissolves in water is a salt. Compound or synthetically derived fertilisers we commonly use in turf actually contain salts which can be detrimental to the plant’s capacity to uptake nutrients via the root system if applied in excess.

Turf grasses are entirely at the mercy of their environment so unfortunately for the immobile plant, when exposed to too much salt it can be a fatal experience.
Once inside the cell, can cause ionic stresses, largely as (Na) Sodium and (Ci) Chloride inhibiting important plant metabolic functions such as protein synthesis (Na) Sodium can rise to toxic levels in mature leaf tissue causing them to die. This reduces the leaf area available for photosynthesis so the plant cannot sustain growth and vigor.

Recognising the signs of salinity can appear as a crusting of salt on the soil’s surface or plants may visually show water stress like symptoms such as wilting or yellowing, followed by a browning at the margins of the leaves, particularly during dry spells as salts dissolved in water become more concentrated, this can become more acute by the best intended fertiliser application, compounding the effects by accelerating water drawn from the plants roots. As the (Na) Sodium content increases there is a tendency to destroy the soils friability and as the plants roots move deeper the effects of (Na) Sodium become compounded in the inert colloidal substructure of soil (subsoil), greatly influencing moisture and nutrient movements slowed by the absence of micro-organisms and oxygen necessary for healthy soil biology.

By increasing the biological health in your soil, Humic substances released by soil borne micro-organisms withhold naturally or synthetically derived contaminates, so while still present, their detrimental characteristics are neutralised and will eventually be broken down.

Humic acid

Humic acid is one of the group of humic acids; main constituent of humus and humate materials. Other humic acids are fulvic acid and ulmic acid. (See glossary).

Characteristics of Humic Acid:

1. Stimulation of plant growth by improving transpiration in plant tissues;

2. Humic acid has the power to receive, hold and release essential mineral nutrients in greater capacity than do clay particles (soil colloid);

3. Humic acid is potent chelating agent protecting plant mineral nutrients from adverse chemical reactions (nutrient tie-ups);

4. Humic acid protects plants from excess salts; improves soil fertility by buffering excess salts and making salt minerals available for plant uptake.

5. Humic acid helps plants to assimilate and use phosphates. Plants have a natural difficulty in gleaning essential phosphate from either organic or inorganic forms. The lack of soil phosphates is probably agriculture’s biggest problem.

Microbial conversion

Plants cannot feed on inorganic molecules, they use only charged ions or their radicals. The refinement of such essential plant food materials into forms that plants can utilize is accomplished by a large variety of specialized soil micro-organisms that must convert nitrogen to nitrate, phosphorous to phosphate, sulphur to sulphate, boron to borate, molybdenum to molybdate etc. These micro-organisms depend upon organic matter for their subsistence and activity. The plants also help the soil micro-organisms in supplying from their root systems usable compounds in solution such as sugars, and many protective factors such as antibiotic compounds. Plants produce abundant amounts of enzymes, growth hormones and vitamins for the benefit of the humusproducing micro-organisms that help prepare the food for the plants. When winter sets in and all plants have either disappeared or are dormant, the humus in the soil becomes the protector and “living place” for the then dormant micro-organisms. If all goes well then by next spring the cycle will start again. Only in soils with a normal humus content can plants gain enough resistance to counteract diseases and parasitic enemies – insects, nematodes etc.

Why use Organic Fertilisers?

Well then, lets look at history… while using ever increasing amounts of conventional fertilisers and chemicals in agriculture over the last 60 years, the world has lost more species of plants than in the previous 500 years, seen the loss of more and more land each year due to soil erosion and land degradation, had ever increasing crop losses due to insects and according to the United Nations, pesticides are responsible for poisoning some 500,000 people per year. In using natural and organic systems in agriculture, we surely couldn’t do any worse than the current conventional systems.