These high carbon analysis products are categorised as soil conditioners. This product group biologically improves microbial population of the soil and enhances the breakdown of organic matter releasing humic acid into the soil. Micro-organisms are an essential part of any healthy soil where they perform many necessary and useful functions in breaking down or decay of plant residues and the nutrition of plants.
The microbial population feeds upon the organic matter in the soil where complex organic materials are broken down into simple substances that can be used by the growing plant. The balance of minerals in the BIO-GRAN range is compatible with all beneficial soil life and is formulated to increase nutrient, moisture and oxygen holding capacity of the soil.
These fertilisers are manufactured for the certified-organic industries. Humaphos fertilizers are composed of high-grade nitrified brown coal, reactive phosphate rock, potassium sulphate, calcium, sulphur, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and boron. They can be considered all round fertilisers providing the plant with a balanced supply of essential elements, as well as providing a good source of humus which helps improve the physical structure and condition of the soil.
These fertilisers are specifically formulated for soils predominantly high in naturally-occurring contaminants associated to agricultural practices that could release synthetic salts, heavy metals, and hydrogen (H) resulting in unavailability of essential major and minor mineral elements.
This range covers the most diverse group of Humaphos fertilisers accommodating mainstream and sustainable alternative farming practices suitable for cropping, vegetables, fruit, pasture and herbs specifically formulated for Australian (Ph) soil profiles. The diversity in analysis reflects the diversity of the plants own requirement for various nutrients and every soil has its own capacity for providing these nutrients, the two cannot be separated and as importantly the nutrient requirement during the plants growth will vary therefore releasing measured amounts of (N) nitrogen, (P) phosphorus and (K) potassium while addressing deficiencies of unavailable minerals, elements and trace elements locked away in the soil profile allows for more soil changing properties reflected in this range to function efficiently while still releasing correctly measured amounts of nutrient to the plant. Growers now have a range of chemically clean Humate fertilisers that reflect the environmental and economic climate facing modern agriculture assuring produce clean of contaminates without sacrificing yield.
This range of high analysis water-soluble humate fertilisers give the agricultural industry an alternative to synthetic blends combining more soluble forms of nitrogen and phosphorus (derived from ammonium sulphate and diammonium phosphate) while still utilising the slow-releasing properties of organics including phosphorus in citrate soluble form, nitrogen as organic compounds, calcium as carbonates, phosphorus as phosphates, potassium as sulphate as well as minor elements in monohydrate form and nitrified brown coal making these fertilisers ideally suited for fruit crops requiring more nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) such as oranges, lemons, peaches, bananas, pineapples and avocado. However, this range of humate fertilisers also shows its all round versatility on sugarcane, rice, vegetables, broadacre and forage crops, or as a hay booster.
The Conventional Organic program allows growers to assimilate into the sustainable agricultural market utilising the fast nutrient-releasing properties of conventional fertilisers and the residual characteristics of natural minerals and humates.